Each of the first reaction to the insult and injury is the same: We are worse. Some of us, but let it react quickly, while others of us believe - and suffer the consequences of wrong as the "older" or "injury". This "streamlining" reaction is the secret of the origin of the loss of mobility and the extension of the time that accompany aging, and that many athletes' sports career to a premature close.
What have these effects together are habituated muscular tension, restricted movement and chronic muscle fatigue.
What does this mysterious effect is that people generally think that if "nothing was broken, the damage is not" difficult ", they ignore the pain and changes in motion. Thus the people do not connect their injuries (and the neuromuscular protective reflexes triggered by injury and stress) to a gradual and cumulative changes in functional performance. These functional changes, because the brain system does not decrease with age, as a form of learning, the brain Air Conditioning (residual "muscle memory" of injury) tends to collect, how we "in our way" in reflexive muscular tension patterns. "injuries" does not heal because they are not injuries, they are accustomed reflex camera designs, which often survive treatment or surgery.
When the muscles go into reflexive reduction of injuries, they produce metabolic waste products (lactic acid and others) on a continuous basis, will be slowed. Reflexive muscular contractions are often used. habituated muscular contraction blocked traffic, slows tissue regeneration. habituated muscle muscle contractions prolong recovery times.
So, in order from sports injuries and effort, two things are needed: to delete the air conditioning, which our brain and muscle and back control over our own bodies. To do what is possible for almost anyone again shown how they are.
As part of a general, pre-conditioning warmup regime, somatic exercises functional exercises to improve movement and recovery time. Patterned update physical maneuvers-awareness and to improve muscular coordination and response. Athletes their performance and can reduce the likelihood of future violations.
Brain conditioning is a big part of aging. This is a big part of the reason is pain and stiffness and will be even worse, what part genetics may play. With somatic education, older athletes may be their mobility, balance and recovery times to younger standards. Improvements in accordance with the resolutions to age ten to twenty years.
Somatic education helps prevent sports and overuse injuries, reduced pain after the surgery and accelerated. To delete several old injuries, customers will need four to eight sessions of clinical somatic education for a final result. After that new violations can be remedied quickly and self-maintenance (somatic exercises) may increase the likelihood future injuries.
The approach was successfully used in hospitals and medical practices.
Autor: Lawrence Gold
Read about recovery from back injuries using this method. Learn how it ends the pain of tight psoas muscles.
Lawrence Gold is a long-time practitioner of clinical (Hanna method) somatic education who has presented at the New Mexico Council on Aging conference (2003) and at Esalen Institute (as part of the training team for The Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training). His articles have appeared in the American Journal of Pain Management (January, 1996, Vol. 6, no. 1, pg. 30) and The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients (November, 1994, #136, pg. 1186).
Added: June 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/