Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ankle Injuries and Treatment Options

Spring is here and if the weather warms up, which means more outdoor activities to do. Whether that means your favorite hiking trail, running just for fun, or play with your kids in the park, this sudden increase of the exercise is absolutely your ankles at risk. You have your ankle rolled several times before, but this time your ankle is really annoying, and you begin to wonder what is the reason for this to happen.

What happens to your ankles?

If you roll your ankle in the most fashion, it happens like in the picture above. The tibia is laterally about your talus, turning, while your calcaneous medially moves, moves and your cuboid inferiorly. The seriousness of the violation may be in a few different categories: strains, sprains, fractures or cracks.

Strain or language: Is there a difference?

simply described strains are injuries to the muscle and connective tissue. In a light load only a few muscle fibers are injured, the diaphragm is intact, and little function is lost. A heavy burden is very painful and discoloration caused by broken blood vessels. The aperture and many muscle fibers tear, and muscle function can be lost. Sprains from stretching or tearing of the connective tissue, ligaments and /or tendons. In severe sprains, the ligaments can tear or pull away from the bones to break. These two can occur simultaneously, such as ankle injuries are notoriously complex.

treatment options for ankle injuries

treatment plans for ankle injuries depend heavily on the severity of the injury. The options for the treatment of invasive conservative. By following proper treatment, most ankle sprains heal within two to six weeks, but may take longer depending on the severity of the injury and patient compliance. You may need to use crutches, you are walking. Ask your doctor to reduce the risk of back injury or setbacks.

swelling and pain of the body are essential to ensure that your time and rest, so that you can not hurt. Application of ice in 20 minutes intervals, four to five times a day in the beginning is a good way to reduce the swelling and pain control. Caution should be used when due to icing on the potential of tissue damage, if icing conditions for longer time than directed.

compression therapy is to stabilize the region and help your body to the inflammation from the affected area. With elastic wraps, air casts, or rails, not only to reduce the edema, but also to protect the ankle will be immobilized by.

Elevation of the injured part to reduce edema in the ankles by the pooling of blood as a result of gravity. Keeping the ankle elevated on a few pillows, ideally before the heart level to reduce swelling and pain of the injury.

RICE therapy: Rice is an acronym for rest, ice, compression and elevation. This can be exploited to the first early signs of inflammation, edema, and swelling that are in the majority of traumatic injuries.

Contrast Therapy: aka Hot /Cold Therapy Inversion is the process of reducing inflammation, with the pumping of vasoconstriction and dilatation. This helps ensure that the fibrin plug from tissue damage, so that the local lymphatic channels can reopen to the swelling in the injured area.

This is due to the use of two tanks, new trash beautiful work, filled with water for 12 to 14 inch of water in each tub. One is an ice-bath with cold water and one third of ice, and the other are in warm water about 100-degree farenheight. You should then the ankle, in the ice bath for one minute and then in the warm bath for a minute, alternate back and forth for 11 minutes to agree to proceed with the ice bath. If you feel nauseous, dizzy or experience chest pain, stop, and a health professional.

Passive Therapies: Passive treatments are those that the patient has no active role and to just relax during the therapy. Therapies such as muscle stimulation, ultrasound, laser and cold have focused on effective aid in reducing the painful symptoms, declining local swelling, muscle wasting and retardation on the promotion of healing.

ankle supports: a temporary support order and stability to the injured ankle supports can be used as a short-term solution. You can prevent movements that may cause re-injury of the common fragile. Fixation can also use the rail-air, lace-up ankle braces, elastic wraps, taping, or removable cast boots. Long-term use of brackets is not recommended because it deconditions the muscles around the joint, ligaments weaken and can lead to bone density loss.i

Chiropractic adjustments: Chiropractic care helps restore the function of the joints of the foot and lower extremities, the "locked up", fixated, and not right. Muscles, tendons, ligaments and depends on proper joint movement to function at optimum. Normalizing joint function accelerate the healing of soft tissue and reduce the deconditioning effect of being immobilized.

Rehabilitation: mobilization of the ankle should be as soon as tolerated to avoid long-term stiffness and swelling in joints. A physical therapy program consisting of range of motion exercises, stretching, muscle training and retraining of movement patterns can be implemented for this purpose.

Another component includes the rehabilitation of this retraining ankle to protect against abnormal movements. Proprioception, the body's ability to sense movement and position of body parts. Nerve endings in the ankle can be injured during an ankle sprain, so that this process is difficult. Retrain faulty movement patterns and stabilization burning help train the body to protect itself, that the movement of abnormal can cause back injuries. This is achieved through the use of physical therapy equipment such as a wobble board and unstable surfaces to retrain the ankle on uneven terrain.

Shoes: Shoes worn after ankle injury should be a greater support around the heel and can be above the ankle for additional stability. Trained personnel at your sport, you can shop for shoes that are best for your vulnerable ankle.

This article is not for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or in a condition, symptom or disease. This is for informational purposes only. Please state by a healthcare professional.

Autor: Dr. Mathew Ullom B.S., D.C.

Dr. Mathew Ullom, B.S., D.C.

Sports based chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Fort Collins, CO

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Added: April 25, 2009


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